Thursday, August 21, 2008

Immigrants---the number of studying abroad

I don't know anything about immigrants, but i only know some rankings about the study abroad.According to the incomplete statistics, after China's reform and opening, a number of more than 20 million students to study in the United States accounts for about 40 percent of total Chinese students studying abroad. So, certainly the United States is the No. one country for studying abroad for Chinese student. The next following one is Australia, Canada, England, French and German. Now the relatively small European countries have relatively small percentages.
But someone said maybe the total number is the United States, but now most definitely not the United States. It's very difficult to get visa from the United States after 911, even you are rich and you have the TOEFL socres. Australia and Canada are still the most number for western countries. But the total number it is now Japan and South Korea. The reason is very simple: low-demand and cheap than the west.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Have a Dream

On August 28 1963, there was a march at at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. where the famous speech"I Have a Dream "delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr.

I could clearly remember that the first time i read the speech, i was really shocked by his voice and i could feel the negro people's eagerness for freedom and equal. Everyone has his own dreams. Even though the black people faced the tough difficulties of today and tomorrow, they never gave up their faith to be free and equal. It is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream. It is the dream of black people. It is the dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

Everyone is equal when they are born, nobody is the slave of others. And also the black people are have the right to protect their own human rights and freedom. As what i wrote in the last article about Rosa Parks, sometimes i admire them for their own spirits of struggling for peace and equal. Others can look down upon you, but you can't look down on yourself. Oppositely, you should respect yourself, use your own huge power and behaviours to fight for your own rights and freedom. So they succeed at last!

As Martin Luther King, Jr. said" Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" Nowadays the situation of segregation is much much much better than before. America is like a melting pot, it can hold every kind of religious, every people from other countries, every sort of color people and every different languages and so on. Remember to use your own legal rights to protect yourself when you are treated unfairly.